h 00096348

Your Wellbeing Plan

Wellbeing is a multifaceted concept that encompasses various aspects of our lives.

One way of thinking about our wellbeing is as a wharenui or house. Each side of the house represents a different aspect of wellbeing.

Taking time to look after and strengthen each of the four walls means we are more likely to be able to cope with challenges and enjoy life the way we want to.

The four walls of of the whare are pictured below, with the fifth element being our connection back to the land (whenua).


  • Taha Hinengaro (Mental & Emotional Wellbeing)

    The way we think, feel and behave. This is often strongly linked to our level of self-awareness. Taking care of our mental wellbeing, even when we’re feeling good, is a strong protective factor.

  • Taha Tinana (Physical Wellbeing)

    Our physical body and its health and growth. Physical health is strongly connected to all parts of our wellbeing. Making healthy choices can have a big impact on our mind and overall health.

  • Taha Wairua (Spiritual Wellbeing)

    Our values and beliefs. These can be linked to a particular religion or faith but can also be about a sense of connectedness to self, whānau and community.

  • Taha Whānau (Family & Social Wellbeing)

    Our connection to our whakapapa, sense of identity and relationships with friends and family. Building strong connections with others gives us a feeling of belonging and strengthens our wellbeing.

  • Whenua (Land & Roots)

    Our connection to the land. Whenua in this context also refers to our turangawaewae,
    our whakapapa and our identity just as much as our physical environment.

Taking care of our mental fitness, even when we’re feeling good, is a strong protective factor.

Wellbeing, and what works for each of us is really individual. Download your personal Wellbeing plan and think about what you do in each wall to create a strong, stable wharenui and to identify some areas that could use some strengthening. 

Remember, there's no right or wrong answer, this is what works for you personally to keep you well.