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Mental Fitness for Coaches

Coaching is not just a role but a significant responsibility that comes with its own set of challenges.

A coach's mental fitness is crucial, not only for their own wellbeing but also for the positive influence it has on their players. Here’s how coaches can maintain mental wellbeing and resilience.

Understanding the role


A coach is a leader, strategist, motivator, and often a confidant. The ability to manage not just the game, but also the aspirations and emotions of a team, requires a sound mind. Mental fitness for coaches means being in the best psychological state to handle these tasks effectively.

Strategies for Mental Fitness

  • Continuous Learning: Keep up-to-date with coaching techniques and mental health knowledge to stay confident in your abilities.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Develop the skills to manage your emotions and understand the emotions of your players, fostering a supportive and positive environment.
  • Resilience Training: Engage in activities or workshops that focus on building resilience to better handle setbacks and stress.
  • Mindfulness and Reflection: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your routine and reflect on your coaching experiences to gain insights.
  • Peer Support: Build a network of fellow coaches to share experiences, advice, and offer support.

Balancing work and life

Set Boundaries

Establish clear boundaries between coaching and personal time to ensure you can recharge.

Time Management

Prioritise tasks to prevent feeling overwhelmed and to allow for breaks.


Empower assistant coaches and players to take on responsibilities, fostering trust and teamwork.

Self-Care Techniques

  • Physical Health: Regular exercise, good nutrition, and adequate rest are as important for coaches as they are for players.
  • Mental Health Days: Take days off to focus on mental health, just as you would for physical health concerns.
  • Hobbies and Interests: Maintain hobbies outside of rugby to provide mental stimulation and relaxation.

Seeking Support

  • Professional Help: Be open to seeking professional help if you feel it's needed. Coaching can be isolating, and talking to a mental health professional can provide valuable perspective.
  • Mentorship: Whether as a mentor or mentee, engage in mentorship relationships for personal growth and support.

Promoting Mental Fitness

Mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness for overall health and well-being. Just like exercising our bodies to stay physically fit, we need to actively engage in practices that support and strengthen our mental and emotional health.

Lead by Example

Show your team that you value mental health by practicing what you preach.

Knowledge is Power

Educate your players on the importance of mental fitness and provide them with resources.

Create a Safe Space

Foster an environment where players feel comfortable discussing their mental health.

Regular Check-Ins



Regularly check in with yourself to gauge your mental state and make adjustments as needed.

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Listen to Feedback

Seek feedback from your team and peers on your coaching and communication style.